The Boys in the Back Room™ have been at it again, in cahoots with the Robotic Synthesis Division to bring you the first online drop of the Mk.XI Ray Gun. The Mk.XI has the Blunderbuss shaped muzzle crown, but with four slots around both the muzzle crown and tail, taking some design cues from the old-school American Racing slotted mag wheels.
Due to the complexity of the design, these are 3D printed in stainless steel. These have been lightly polished after printing, which results in a little shine in the high points and leaves a matte finish with a hint of bronze in the recessed areas of the design. They’re quite beefy at 17 grams each, the same as the copper machined Ray Gun beads and a fair bit heavier than the Ti machined (10g) beads.
The Mk.XI Ray Gun in 3D Printed Stainless Steel are $85 each, shipped to US addresses. Each Ray Gun Bead now comes with a Ray Gun Division decal. US buyers can purchase using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US can hit the PayPal button to purchase and then contact me for a USPS Priority shipping quote at – Typically this ends up being an additional $15-25 due to Priority International cost. Shipment overseas at via any method other than tracked Priority or Express is at the buyer’s risk.