By popular demand, here’s a very small drop of the new Mk.II-S “Suppressor” bead in blasted Ti. Blasted Titanium is always a favorite. I think it’s because the blasted finish really shows off the shapes and the dimension of the Ray Gun bead. It’s extra cool on the Mk.II-S variant as it really makes the muzzle holes appear dark. I think I had a couple of these at Blade Show but the Mk.II-S in Blasted Ti has never been released before online.
NOTE: The Mk.II-S is a “regular” Ray Gun bead, the muzzle holes are for decoration only and not sized for tritium vials. Only the beads labeled Atomic Ray Gun are configured for Trit vials. That said, someone handy with glow powder and epoxy could do something very cool with those muzzle holes to make them glow. Just sayin’…
Mk.II-S “Suppressor” Ray Guns in Blasted Titanium are $85 each, shipped to US addresses. US buyers can purchase using the PayPal button below. Buyers outside the US can hit the PayPal button to purchase and then contact me for a USPS Priority shipping quote at – Typically this ends up being an additional $15-30 due to Priority International cost and location. Shipment overseas at via any method other than tracked Priority or Express is at the buyer’s risk.